If you haven’t received an e-mail invitation to download our Las Vegas mobile app by November 1 or the Aruba mobile app by November 16, please fill out this form

Please Note: The email address and cell phone number you provide below should be connected to the phone you plan to bring with you while you travel with Preferred Pump. A form will need to be filled out for everyone who wants the app on their phone, however, it is common to only need the app loaded on to one phone per couple. If you wish to have the app added to another cell phone in your party, please fill out a new form for each device.

All fields marked with an asterisk are required.

    Please be patient.

    Important Dates

    LAS VEGAS 2025
    December 15 - 18, 2025

    ST. KITTS 2026
    January 10 - 17, 2026
    January 17 - 24, 2026
    January 24 - 31, 2026

    July 13 - 20, 2026

    Submit your Las Vegas, St. Kitts and Alaska forms by June 15, 2025 to be automatically entered into the $500 Early Bird Raffle.

    The deadline to submit your Las Vegas, St. Kitts and Alaska travel forms is July 31, 2025.
